There is a very stupid comment made when we speak about religious fanaticism in India.. so called supporters forward stupid jokes saying go to Pakistan or Afghanistan .. what i would like to know is are these joker’s comparing a progressive democratic country with religious countries which are not comparable with India ?

We have lakhs of indian s who work for thousands of companies in US,UK,France,rest of Europe, and know what is a liberal secular country is all about …the same joker’s sitting and enjoying the best of the liberal world and dollars or euro write tonnes and tonnes of hate messages or share hate messages originating in India in the name of religious love… Is it not absurd.

The so called fake nationalists and Patriots if you are really believe that we had aeroplanes 4000 years back or we had internet during Mahabharata times .. sharing messages of hate against a particular religion, claiming Hindi as national language, pls come back to India start working for the nation .. prove all this is true .. instead of enjoying the best in Western democracies and slowly converting India in to a country of fanatics.

This promotion of hate is dangerous and has only led to misery, suffering and pain. We should be comparing our democracy with european or American democracy. Emulate Canada, Netherlands, Finland,Swiss, etc and lifestyle of the people .. education in USA.. medical facilities in UK or Germany which is free for all …

Instead we have fanatics sharing and writing non sense, re writing history, maligning national leaders and thinking it’s very progressive .. all this promotion of hatred and lie will have a day of reckoning in the future. Let’s not become a society which has to apologise for the mis deeds later on…and live with guilt … After the damage has been done.

If one wants to save their religion work for the poor and downtrodden in the religion .. support their education instead of opposing reservation, inculculate chairty as part of one’s life.

Trying to homogeneous a nation like India is never going to happen ….remember there is a big difference between

UNITY AND UNIFORMITY .. we will be United not uniform …stop creating fake stories of Thirukural from vedas using fake scholars, trying to impose language or culture on others.

In the past few years there is a funny question asking about what a political party s mandate is ? What it will do blah blah .. first duty of the political party is to follow the Indian constiutional ..not tinkering it or trying devious ways to bypass it .. respect federalisim and state rights .. India is a nation of nation’s… There is a difference between state and a nation .. trying to impose the will of the ruling minority or exploit the states doing well economically will be inimicall to over all harmony peace and prosperity.

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