Why big business corporates like one language one country concept and why we should oppose it …

Take for example if all of India watched only Hindi movies than there will be few music directors and film producers in bollywood only killing out Tamil, Telugu,Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Assamese, Gujarathi film industry …. this will lead to unemployment in places like Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkatta, Bengaluru, Dispur, Gandhi nagar and talent will die out without patronage. When talent dies out also the local diversity culture will die out. We will not have had a Thiru. Illiyaraja, or Thiru.A.R.Rahaman… list is long .. also music should be in ones language to connect us to understand and feel … can any music director make us feel like Thiru. Iliarajas songs ?

Language protects from imperialism.

Take a corporate company like Coco cola who sets shop in India if everybody spoke one language they will appoint workers from cheapest possible source and place them all over again killing job opportunities, Advt will be handled by one agency and one Bollywood actor will get the contract … but now they will have to get workers in Tamilnadu to speak in Tamil, Kannada workers in Karnataka, Telugu workers in Andhra and Telangana, like this all over ensuring growth and employment is even all over ..

Also the revenue got by ad agencies in each state will create a better local economy, employment for locals, and investment in local area.. for example actor Thiru. Vijay or Thiru.Surya when they get payments from soft drink majors or business they will invest their money in and around Tamilnadu let it be business, farm lands, plots, apartments etc which will again ensure local economy grows . If not one Mr.Amitab Bachan ( simply for example ) will get contract from Kanyakumari to Kashmir Gujarath to Nagaland … and all the money will go to one person one region … now corporates have to ensure they hire local talent, local actors for business ….. if not again our actors or actress or ad agencies will die out again killing our culture .

Third manufacturing like ATM, machine where warning in local languages should be mentioned, name boards, railway coaches artists, signages, education, teaching profession, software professionals, religious worships, festivals and celebration, all are supportive of local language, culture and supports people leading to growth of local economy …

Take stores or business like Saravana stores, Chennai silks Ramraj, Sri Devi textiles, Nalli silks, like this again list is long of local business which will be wiped out if languages and culture are lost .. more stores like Big Bazar and reliance will come up killing local culture selling Ulundu, Paruppu, vendakai in Hindi names … and killing our languages …

As much as possible support local shops ( local means your village, your town, your city, district, state ) like this find out to whom our money goes to and do they invest back to the regions growth or local culture .. support them .. home grown brands lead to growth in local regions . If Anjappar hotels or Saravana bhavan or Annapoorna makes more money they will invest their money in our region ensuring more development to local economy .

Many years ago when ford launched its car in India sitting in American board rooms the company decided to launch a tv ad they assumed like America Indian tennis player is the best ambassador for the ad .. the ad flopped badly and later on a ford employee Indian told them in india its cricket …than they got Mr.Sachin Tendulkar for the add .. this is local knowledge …

Like this we can think of numerous examples how language are not only a barrier against imposition of culture, it’s also a protection in many ways … everybody should support their language and ensure diversity is respected .

There will be few screaming about name a language for India blah blah which need not be taken seriously. India is a political entity a union of states formed in 1952 and present day map many of us see is only from 1972 when Sikkim became part of India .. nationalism is not singing national anthem in theatres or trying to speak Hindi it’s truly loving the people, their diversity, language, culture and respecting one and all as equals irrespective of their size or population …

To really grow as a nation one should respect its plurality and diversity …

Lets remember India has a national animal, anthem, bird, but no national food or language because they are personal choices … we cannot have a rule all Indians should eat chapathi or Idli … language is the same …

NB – this does not mean people who love our languages hate Hindi or Hindi speaking people a BIG NO we only oppose imposition of Hindi on us and love all Indians and why only Indians all of
Humanity irrespective of ones language, region or religion … nor against corporates . Once business houses realise language needs to be respected they will do it perfectly for this business sake at least ..

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