Today is ammavasai. Reminded of a incident involving Thiru Rajaji and Thiru E.V. Ra periyar.They both were very good friends, and once Rajaji had come to periyars house to stay with him for a few days.

The next day was ammavasai and although Rajaji remembered it as he was a very devot person who always does the rituals for his deceased parents with a priest. He did not ask periyar because he did not want to hurt periyar a known atheist.

Next day early morning periyar knocks the door and tells Rajaji come let’s go to the river. Rajaji assumes it’s to have bath and goes with periyar and few others to kaveri river. There Rajaji is astonished to see a priest waiting with all necessary things to perform the rites.

Rajaji is shocked and asks periyar how do you know ? I was embarrassed to ask you.

Periyar replied ” do you think I don’t know what a friend wants? Do you think I will I’ll treat your wishes and beliefs ? I do not believe in it does not mean I will stop you from doing it. I will continue to preach write about my beliefs but will not physically invade or interfere in yours.

This is the understanding one needs before accepting a ideology or philosophy.
Today my father was telling this interesting episode.

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