Tamilnadu and Germany population is the same. How many of us realise that ?

The chief minister of Tamilnadu is handling duties and responsibilities equalent to a German chancellor except foreign affairs and defence. This is the way we should see it. India being a huge nation we have nations within India.

That’s the respect a chief minister should  be given and federalism promoted.

Take Kerala for example now it’s under the leadership of a fine chief minister who has been sacrificing his health for the people of the state. He was supposed to leave to Minneapolis, mayo clinic for treatment. He has postponed against the advice of the doctors. The state is being penalised for having a party which is ideologically opposite to the union ruling party. It’s unfair. It’s injustice. It goes against the basic tenets of the constitution.

As we are a huge nation we don’t realise the importance size and weight of the states or its rulers. Chief ministers or state assemblies or not slaves of the union govt. They are equal and infact have lots of more powers. The Indian Constitution is a fine creation to balance the powers of states and union govt. Infact the word central govt is wrong legally. It’s only union govt.

Today when we talk about federalism we have a small group saying it is against patriotism or nationalism. It’s not so. One has to love his or her nation only, not the govt. Govt has been given a mandate to rule on our behalf for a period. Not do what they want to do.

Tamilnadu has been forefront in fighting for rights of the states and federalism.

We need more informed debates and discussions about Indian constituent assembly debates, constitution, role of juidicary, parliament, assembly, burecrats etc. Without understo basic civics one small group is trying to influence us.

There is a huge difference between ,nation,nationality,ethnicity,and country. For example for  as Dutch nationality is Dutch, country is Netherlands. Take English it’s England, Irish, Ireland, Scottish, Scotland and they come together as UK.

French it’s France, German it’s Germany, but we don’t have such a single race or ethnicity.

There is no language called Indian. That’s what a group is trying to work on.

Trying to make us homogeneous has been a unholy alliance for the past many thousand years.now it’s taken a leap.

We can we united not uniform.

INDIA today is facing it’s worst threat to federalism. States are made slaves and controlled like Tamilnadu. This has been happening in many states . We were not used it for ages. We had tall leaders like Omandurar, Kamarajar , Anna, Kalaignar, Mgr, Amma etc who stood by the state against union govt. In other states they are used to cm s listening to union govt. We were never used to. That’s why it pains today after 2016.

Other states take Andhra only after Ntr came in to the picture they spoke of Telugu pride . Until than except Rajsekar Reddy they had no strong regional leaders.

Ramakrishna hedge of Karnataka and deve Gowda are the exceptions of Karnataka . That’s why we will see national media and others always put them down because they are not subservient to Delhi.

Today the ball lies with people like Mamta Banarjee, Naveen Patnaik, Chandrababu Naidu, Chandrasekhar Rao, kumaraswamy,  and parties like DMK, Sharad pawar and Supriya sule, to take it up and make federalism stronger. Stronger states don’t weaken India in fact it makes India stronger .

Emergency was the first dark period in India no doubt but today’s it’s super emergency like Mamta Banarjee claimed. It was blot on India when four senior judges of the highest court in our country came out against the institution . We should remember Indian supreme court is the most powerful court in the world. One decision by the court affects 130 crore people.

No other institution can have such a influence in the world . It’s the most powerful court in the world.

The difference between 1970 emergency and today is the media, opposition parties, leaders,  and juidicary opposed it tooth and nail. Now there is a loud silence. That’s the biggest danger. Like justice chellameswar said let’s not let history blame us.

The danger lies not with people who don’t realise this bit with those know and preach the opposite.

We will be united not uniform..period.

– Karthikeya Sivasenapathy

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